For the promotion of the AOC
When you come through Vercheny from the direction of Crest, you are sure to notice the Maison de la Clairette, located on your right as you leave the village. Opened in 2006, it is first and foremost a meeting place for the Diois wine producers. The association of wine makers of the Clairette de Die, which groups together the three hundred wine makers of the Diois, holds all its meetings there, and it is also here that they discuss accreditation of the wines.
Open to visitors
Visitors are also warmly welcomed. The Maison de la Clairette is open to visitors and provides information about local viticulture and the AOCs of the Diois. If you decide to visit, you can also sample the Clairette!
Practical information
Maison de la Clairette – route de Die – 26340 Vercheny
Open to the public from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 a.m and from 1:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m.
Tel. : 04 75 21 29 76
Fax : 09 70 32 02 71
Email :
Website :